Mentastics® group lessons - Middelburg
Move smoothly, freely and happily
In this classes you'll learn to find again your natural posture and balance. Simple, easy movements help with losing unnecessary tension, stress and pain from your body and mind and replace them with pleasant sensations. Each lesson ends with guided relaxation so that the experiences of lightness, softness, flexibility and ease are taken with you for your daily activities.
Location: St. Padma, Verwerijstraat, 51A in Middelburg.
Dates part 1 (10 lessons): 5, 12,19, 26 February; 5, 12, 19, 26 March; 2 and 9 April.
Free taster: 29 January
You can purchase individual lessons or a package of multiple lessons for a reduced price.
10 lessons: € 175,-
1 lesson: € 20,-
Trial class: € 17,-