Physical pain treatment
Treatment of various physical pain such as back-, shoulder-, neck -, knee pain, frozen shoulder, hernia, pain or stiffness in joints, sciatica pain, breathing problems, migraine.
Pain can persist in your back, shoulder , knees. Even though you have tried so many other healing methods, sometimes pain still persists. You may also find yourself adjusting your posture to avoid this pain. This can lead to more harm in the long run.
Experience what it feels like to move pain-free again and let yourself be guided to tackle the problems at the roots!
I offer support with my expertise to relieve chronic and suddenly manifesting pain. With the innovative Trager® treatment on the massage table and the movement re-education. Body alignment is very effective and a revelation for many people. I teach you to pay attention to the connection of your body with your mind and to regain your natural posture. I will also give you tools to support your own healing in your daily activities.
For example: when you suffer from a frozen shoulder. With soft touch and feeling of weight we bring relaxation to the painful area so that inflammation will gradually fade away. Furthermore we will learn how to use the body without unnecessary muscle tension, so that you will prevent pain and eventually enjoy everything you do again.These innovative pain-free experiences are anchored so that you take them with you after the treatments.
”I have been attending the weekly Mentastics meetings regularly for about five years now. I ended up there with foot problems for which I actually needed arch support. That is long gone. Now I benefit greatly from the movements that I am being taught. Every Wednesday after class I feel so much better. Some movements I do at home, others when I have back pain or knee problems. It is important that these exercises are not aimed at strength or performance, but at a good use of the muscles in conjunction with gravity. I have the feeling that my physical condition has improved a lot with Mentastics, and I also experience that complaints can go.”
- Pete Hack